Information Folia Medica Indonesiana



  1. Articles submitted to FMI should be written in English or in Indonesian. Articles submitted in Indonesian will be translated by our in-house translator with a certain fee.
  2. FMI accepts articles of the following categories: research reports, either basic or clinical, case reports, and review articles.
  3. Submitted manuscripts should be completed with letter of statement signed by the author(s) that the work has not been previously published, that it is not under consideration by other publication(s), and that all authors have reviewed the manuscript and agreed that the manuscript will be published in this journal. Research and case report articles should be attached with ethical clearance.
  4. At least two copies of the manuscript and its soft-copy in Microsoft Word Document recorded in CD should be submitted. The soft-copy can also be delivered to designated e-mail address of the journal. The article is typewritten, minimally one-and-a-half-spaced in A4 size sheets of no more than 12 pages.

The title is written on the top of the first page, followed by:

  1. Full names of all author and co-authors, without academic title
  2. Department and/or institution with which author and co-authors are affiliated
  3. Abstract, no more than 250 words, concisely describing background, purpose, methods, results and conclusions.
  4. Keywords, 3-10 words or short phrases, allowing proper and convenient indexing.
  5. Address(es), phone and facsimile number(s), and email adress(es) of the principal author for correspondence.
  6. Research articles should be organized under the following headings:
    1. a.       Introduction
    2. b.       Materials and Methods
    3. c.        Results
    4. d.       Discussion
    5. e.        Conclusion (and Suggestion if any)

A research that presents as a case report should consist of

  1. a.       Introduction
  2. b.       Case Report
  3. c.        Discussion
  4. d.       Conclusion (and Suggestion if any)

Review articles should include

  1. a.       Introduction
  2. b.       Overview
  3. c.        Discussion
  4. d.       Conclusion (and Suggestion if any)
  5. Tables, illustration, graphs, and photographs should be kept to the minimum, easily reproducible and should be included in digitalized form recorded in CD or submitted by email, either separately in different file(s) or in different pages of the text at the same file. Indication of the position of any tables, illustration, graphs, and photographs in the text should be provided clearly.
  6. Prior to the references, acknowledgment can be stated briefly to appropriate professionals who had contributed to the paper.

8.    Citation in the text should be indicated by the name of the author(s) cited followed by year of publication between brackets. For example: (Bishop 1987), (Burnham & Anderson 2002), (Cheekati et al 2009), (Tjokroprawiro 2002, 2010, Robin et al 2005)

9.    References should be arranged in alphabetical order.

Bishop J (1987). The molecular genetics of cancer. Science 235, 305-311

Dunnington DJ (1984). The development and study of single cell clone metastazing mammary tumor cell system in the rat. Dissertation. University of London, England, p 69-90

Hotta H, Handajani R, Lusida MI, Soemarto W, Doi H, Miyajima H, Homma M (1994b). Sequence analysis of hepatitis C virus obtained from Indonesian patients and identification of novel sequence variants. In: Nishioka K, Suzuki H, Mishiro S, Oda T (eds). Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, p 310-313

Katzung BG (1992). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 5th ed., Connecticut, Appleton & Lange, p. 320-329

Snowdon CT (1997). Significance of Animal Behaviour Research. Available from http://www.csun.edu/~vcpsy00h/valueofa.htm. Accessed February 20, 2004.

2014-10-02, Source :