Table of Content

Jurnal THT - KL [THTKL]

Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok Bedah Kepala dan Leher

(DAHULU: Media Perhati)

Terbit tiga kali dalam setahun, pada bulan Januari, Mei, dan September.

Bekerja sama dengan Perhati-KL Cabang Jawa Timur Utara.

ISSN : 23378417

Volume 5 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2012-01

Cover Media Content
  1. Correlation between bcl-2 protein expression with nasopharingeal tumor towards radiotherapy on undifferentiated nasopharingeal malignancy patients (a research)
  2. Management of complicated retro pharingeal abcess with mediastinitis and thoracal empyema (a case report)
  3. Waardenburg syndrome within a family (a case report)
  4. Diagnosis and management of tongue malignancy
  5. Mucocilliary transport of the nose on allergic rhinitis