Detail Article

Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan

ISSN 1412-8853

Vol. 11 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-05

Order : 3, and page :66 - 70

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Original Article :

Analysis factors that affect the high claims ratio of work accident insurance program in branch office a and b of pt. jamsostek

Author :

  1. Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana
  2. Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Abstract :

PT. Jamsostek is a social insurance shall be held according to the law, with the aim to provide basic protectionfor people welfare, especially workers and not aim for commercial profit. Work Accident Insurance Program (JKK) isa form of protection provided to workers when injured at work including occupational disease. This research was adescriptive explanation with cross sectional technique design. The samples to be analyzed are branch offices, samplessize taken using judgment sampling method. Selected as the Jamsostek branch office A and Jamsostek branch office Bfor comparison, selected based on the similarity class II category branch office, each of the samples were 32 companieslocated in the region of branch office A and branch office B. Results showed of 5 variables studied can be seen thatcontrol awareness in branch office A lower than branch office B, the possibility of legal hazard in branch office A higherthan branch office B. While the verification variables, 3 points contained in it is only a difference in the cost of verificationof eligibility due to differences in the utilization of rates hospital provider. Benefit package when viewed carefully theamount of disability compensation and reimbursement of expenses functions known drug average cost of claims/casesin branch office A greater than branch office B.

Keyword :

accident insurance program, , claim management,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 11 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2013-05
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