Detail Article

Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan

ISSN 1412-8853

Vol. 11 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-01

Order : 9, and page :44 - 48

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Original Article :

Marketing mix based on marketing strategy and matrix of boston consulting group

Author :

  1. RSAB Siti Fatimah Kraksaan

Abstract :

Siti Fatimah Children and Maternity Hospital, with 44 beds. The present condition has not shown good development, which can be seen from the Bed  Occupancy Rate (BOR) as low as 46.34%. One of the factors causing the low BOR is that the marketing  steps have not been implemented yet. In order to support the marketing  steps, it is necessary to do a matrix analysis of Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The community’s perception, demand, expectation and satisfaction given by Kraksaan Siti Fatimah Children and Maternity Hospital and the community’s perception on services delivered by the hospital competitor are measured. The market research reveals that the segmentation of non-customer respondents who  have  never  experienced the  service assess that the  Children  and  Maternity Hospital  has  friendly and  attentive services with quality and clean environment. Based on that and the outstanding factor of the hospital, the positioning of the Children and Maternity Hospital is “a hospital  with friendly and quality services”. The quadrant  of the Children and Maternity Hospital based on BCG matrix analysis  is Dog, with low industrial growth and low relative target market.  One of 7P recommendation is Product  which  is economical surgery  packet for maternal health (Pak Eko Senyum).

Keyword :

market research, marketing strategy, BCG matrix, marketing mix,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 11 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-01
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