Detail Article


ISSN 2301-5829

Vol. 4 / No. 2 / Published : 2015-08

Order : 6, and page :47 - 53

Related with : Scholar   Yahoo!   Bing

Original Article :

Negotiating biracial identity as the effect of double consciousness in durrow’s the girl who fell from the sky

Author :

  1. Lia Indri Hapsari*1
  2. Titien Diah Soelistyarini*2
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
  2. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

Abstract :

Throughout history, racism has severely affected the life of African-American. One of the psychological effects that they have to experience is double consciousness as depicted in Durrow’s The Girl Who Fell from the Sky. This novel portrays double consciousness experienced by the main character, Rachel Morse, a daughter of a white mother and an African-American father. Having born from mixed- race parents, Rachel has to face identity problem when living in her new society. This study aimed at examining Rachel’s experience of having double consciousness using W.E.B. Du Bois’ theory of double consciousness. This study revealed that double consciousness has compelled Rachel to negotiate her biracial identity in American society who still believes in ‘one-drop’ rule in order to fit in the society. As Rachel must still have to face racism in America for being biracial, it showed that the existing practice of racism and stereotyping need to be eradicated to make a better living for African-American and biracial people in the United States.

Keyword :

biracial identity, double consciousness, one-drop rule, racism, African American criticism,

References :

Ridgle, Nia,(2010) Identity Crisis: Multiracial Identity and the Future of America 192-207 : McNair Scholars Journal

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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