Detail Article


ISSN 2301-5837

Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Published : 2016-08

Order : 5, and page :109 - 116

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Original Article :

The study of flouting maxim of grice’s cooperative principle on cak cuk surabaya t-shirts

Author :

  1. Pravita Puspita Sari*1
  2. Lilla Musyahda*2
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
  2. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

Abstract :

The focus of this study is the expressions on the design of Cak Cuk Surabaya T-shirts. This study attempts to describe the expressions of the designs  which flout the maxims of Grice’s Cooperative principle, the implied meaning of the flouted maxims and why the flouting of maxim occurs in the expressions. The writer uses qualitative method in this study. In the process of data collection, the writer took four samples as the data that represent Surabaya cultural characteristics. The reason for selecting the data is because the expressions on the design of Cak Cuk Surabaya T-shirts flout the maxims and thereby would give rise to implicature. In analyzing the data, the writer used Grice’s theory of Cooperative Principle and implicature. The finding of this study is that the maxim of Quality is mostly flouted by the expressions on Cak Cuk Surabaya T-shirts. Furthermore, the writer also found that most of flouting maxims were  meant for emphasizing the intended meaning and creating humor. 

Keyword :

Cak Cuk surabaya t-shirts, cooperative principle, implicature, maxim,

References :

Ariyanto,(2011) Travelicious Jalan Hemat Jajan Nikmat Surabaya, Malang, dan Madura - : Yogyakarta: B-First.

Griffiths, P.,(2006) An Introduction to English Semantics and Pramatics - : Edinburgh: University Press Ltd

Widodo, Dukut Imam,(2002) Soerabaia Tempo Doeloe - : Surabaya: Dinas Pariwisata

Archive Article

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