Detail Article


ISSN 2303-3053

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2012-07

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Original Article :

Konflik waduk sepat

Author :

  1. Adhi Murti Citra Amalia H*1
  1. Prodi S1 Departemen Antropologi FISIP-UNAIR

Abstract :

Abstract This article describes cases of land acquisition in the Sepat Reservoirs reap the conflict between PT Ciputra Surya Tbk. with the residents of the Perdukuhan Sepat Kulon, Surabaya in 2008-2012. This research is focused on the background of the conflict which include the history and causes of conflict, as well as the pattern of open and covert resistance carried out by the local community. This study uses qualitative methods, with observations  and interviews. These cases occur due to differences in the views of the developer and local citizens to the status of land reservoirs, namely the ‘de jure’ and ‘de facto’. The cause of this conflict include environmental issues, historical value, as well as social welfare. The form of covert resistance is with the attitude of cynical, vigilant, suspicious of outsiders, and others. While the form of open resistance by unjukrasa, hearing to the DPRD Surabaya, tree planting, and so on.  

Keyword :

land, , conflict, , development, , acquisition ,

References :

Irianto, Sulistyowati ,(2000) Pluralisme Hukum dan Masyarakat Saat Krisis dalam Hukum dan Kemajemukan Budaya. Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Singh, Rajendra ,(2010) Gerakan Sosial Baru. Surabaya : Resist Book & Komisi HAM-LPPM Universitas Airlangga

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2012-07
  1. Citra Tubuh Dan Konsep Tubuh Ideal Mahasiswi Fisip Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
  2. Dukun Prewangan (studi Deskriptif Kehidupan Dukun Prewangan Di Desa Ngodean Dan Desa Teken Glagahan, Kecamatan Loceret, Kabupaten Nganjuk)
  3. Makna Upacara Potong Gigi (metatah) Bagi Peserta Umat Hindhu Bali Di Pura Agung Jagad Karana Kota Surabaya
  4. Seni Tari Glipang Di Kabupaten Probolinggo (studi Deskriptif Makna Simbolik Tari Glipang Dari Sudut Pandang Pelaku)
  5. Pembagian Warisan Dalam Budaya Poligini (studi Kasus Pada Komunitas Madura Di Boto Putih, Surabaya)
  6. Pemberian Makanan Terhadap Batita Di Pemukiman Tanah Kalikedinding, Kecamatan Kenjeran, Surabaya
  7. Konflik Waduk Sepat
  8. Strategi Adaptasi Penjaga Perlintasan Kereta Api Di Kota Surabaya