Detail Article


ISSN 2302-3058

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2012-01

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Original Article :

Terapi totok diet: upaya pencapaian berat badan ideal perempuan

Author :

  1. Fitri Rohmawatik*1
  1. Alumni Antropologi FISIP UNAIR

Abstract :

Abstract Terapi totok diet is one of method that used to get women’s ideal body shape. Women and beauty is a rela­tionship that can not be separated. Now the meaning of beauty is someone who has a slim body like models. Women have a various meaning about beauty and sometimes it is not suitable with body mass index measuring. Today it is a problem for women who want to get an ideal weight. This research is purposed to know a relation between terapi totok diet with women’s weight loss in Pare, Kediri. This article use T test and monova test method. The result from T test showed the relation between terapi totok diet with women’s weight loss and significant reductions in waist circumference. This indicates that the patient therapy who is 100% Java people have a lot of fat in their waist. The result of Manova test showed that terapi totok diet has not a relationship with women’s weight loss. The most effect to succes this therapy is discipline during terapi totok diet. Patients will lose their weight if they discipline come to the  therapy,  compliance  physician recommended and trust to the therapy can be successful to lose weight in one week.

Keyword :

beauty, , weight, , terapi totok diet,

References :

Arikunto, Suharsimi,(2003) Manajemen Pendidikan, Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta.

Foster, George M & Barbara Gallatin Anderson,(1986) Antropologi Kesehatan. Terjemahan Priyanti Pakan S dan Mutia FHS, Jakarta: Jakarta : UI-Press.

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2012-01
  1. Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan Dalam Perspektif Antropologi Budaya
  2. Makna Dan Fungsi Tradisi Sinamot Dalam Adat Perkawinan Sukubangsa Batak Toba Di Perantauan Surabaya
  3. Respon Masyarakat Peminat Posyandu Perkotaan
  4. Stressor Sosial Biologi Lansia Panti Werdha Usia Dan Lansia Tinggal Bersama Keluarga
  5. Efek Pelecehan Seksual Di Lingkungan Kampus: Studi Preliminer
  6. Terapi Totok Diet: Upaya Pencapaian Berat Badan Ideal Perempuan