Table of Content

Critical, Medical & Surgical Nursing Journal [CMSNJ]

Critical, Medical & Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) merupakan jurnal dalam bidang keperawatan dan/atau kesehatan dengan fokus area keperawatan kritis, emergency, disaster nursing, dan keperawatan medikal bedah. CMSNJ merupakan salah satu jurnal yang berada dibawah Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. CMSNJ ini dibentuk sebagai respon terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keperawatan/kesehatan agar dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan kualitas sumber daya keperawatan/kesehatan yang berkelanjutan.

ISSN : 2355-1992

Volume 3 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2014-10

Cover Media Content
  1. Blood pressure changes in elderly with hypertension through therapeutical gardening in upt pslu magetan
  2. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation theraphy can reduce pain intensity in patient post urological surgical in room marwah rsu haji surabaya
  3. Foot care education through guidance motion picture and leaflets on non ulcer foot care behavior in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in puskesmas loceret
  4. Health education with syndicate group method on prevention of acute respiratory infection behavior among adolescent at islamic boarding school
  5. Health education with simulation game method enhance foot care behavior in patients with diabetes mellitus in posyandu lansia simoangin-angin sidoarjo
  6. Mother's knowledge, attitude, and infrastructure can influence prevention of diarrhea in toddlers (1-3 years old children) based on who's behavioral theory approach in work area of puskesmas mulyorejo surabaya
  7. Snake ladders game enhance knowledge and attitude of elementary school children in cerumen impaction prevention in sdn tambaksari iii surabaya
  8. Medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus based on health belief model (hbm) theory in puskesmas mulyorejo surabaya
  9. Pre operative patient 's comfort in room marwah rsu haji surabaya
  10. Preventive service and preventive health education based on tannahill's model encourage mother's behaviour in the prevention of diphtheria in children in puskesmas gading's work area surabaya
  11. Correlation of family support with compliance in doing physical exercise and insulin therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in medical polyclinic rsud dr abdoer rahman situbondo
  12. Deep breathing exercise in improving physical changes in pulmonarytuberculosis patients
  13. counseling improving mother's behavior in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infection in children in work area of puskesmas bangkalan
  14. Anthropometric changes aftertherapeutic play gobak sodor in school age children with obesity
  15. Allium cepa l decoction in regulating blood glucose level in mice with diabetes mellitus