Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory

ISSN 0854-4263

Vol. 21 / No. 2 / Published : 2015-03

Order : 9, and page :153 - 157

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Original Article :

Bacterial pattern and patient’s age on procalcitonin in community and hospital acquired pneumonia

Author :

  1. Coriejanti*1
  2. Mohammad Iqbal*2
  3. Emmy Hermyanti Pranggono*3
  1. Departemen Patologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin
  2. Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RS. Al Islam. Dinas Kesehatan Kotamadya Bandung
  3. Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin

Abstract :

Pneumonia is one of an infectious disease with high mortality rate. In the last decade procalcitonin (PCT) was found as a biomarker that can predict a kind of infection. The aim of the study was to know the difference of PCT level between community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) by analyzing it, and the difference between <60 years old and older age patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted on the CAP and HAP patients in RSHS, in August–October 2009. The level difference were analyzed with Mann-Whitney test, with a significancy of p<0.05. In this study 40 (forty) patients (66%) CAP and 21 patients (34%) HAP were included. The median of PCT levels in CAP was 0.88 ng/dL and HAP 8.32 ng/dL (p=0.002), where as in the in Gram negative bacterial infection (GNBI) level in CAP was 4.76 ng/dL and in Gram positive was 0.61 ng/dL. The median PCT level in HAP with Gram negative was 19.02 ng/dL and in the Gram positive was 4.63 ng/dL (p=0.201). The median of PCT level in CAP group <60 yo was 1.42 ng/dL and in ≥60 yo was 0.65 ng/dL (p=0.207). The median of PCT level in HAP <60 yo was 8.32 ng/dL, where as in ≥60 yo was 9.93 ng/dL (p=0.178). Based in this study can be concluded that the PCT level in HAP group was higher than in the CAP group. The PCT level in HAP with Gram negative bacterial infection was higher than in the CAP, where as in the CAP group was lower in ≥60 yo. Pneumonia merupakan penyakit infeksi yang banyak menyebabkan kematian. Satu dasawarsa terakhir dikenal petanda infeksi tertentu yang dapat menunjukkan keparahan infeksi, yaitu procalcitonin (PCT). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar PCT kelompok Pneumonia Komunitas (PK) dan yang Pneumonia Nosokomial (PN), serta perbedaan kadarnya pada usia pasien <60 tahun dan ≥60 tahun dengan menganalisisnya. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian potong silang yang dilakukan di pasien radang parenkim paru masyarakat (pneumonia komunitas) (PK) dan pneumonia nosokomial (PN) di RSHS, pada bulan Agustus–Oktober 2009. Data dianalisis dengan uji Mann Whitney dengan nilai kemaknaan p<0,05. Peserta terdiri dari 40 (66%) orang dengan PK dan 21 (34%) PN. Median kadar PCT di PK 0,88 ng/dL dan PN 8,32 ng/dL (p=0,002). Di PK dengan Gram negatif berkadar PCT 4,76 ng/dL dan yang positif 0,61ng/dL. Median kadar PCT di kelompok PK <60 tahun 1,42ng/dL dan yang ≥60 tahun adalah 0,65 ng/dL (p=0,207). Sedangkan di kelompok PN <60 tahun 8,32 ng/dL dan yang di ≥60 tahun adalah 9,93 ng/dL (p=0,178). Berdasarkan telitian ini dapat disimpulkan, bahwa median kadar PCT di PN lebih tinggi daripada PK, karena didukung oleh kadar PCT yang lebih tinggi daripada infeksi bakteri Gram negatif di kedua kelompok tersebut. Pada usia ≥60 tahun kadar PCT lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan yang berusia <60 tahun di PK dan PN.

Keyword :

Bacterial pattern, patient’s age, procalcitonin, community acquired pneumonia, hospital acquired pne,

References :

Niederman MS, Mandell LA, Bass JB, Broughton WA, Campbell GD, Dean N.,(2001) Guidelines for the management of adults with community-acquired pneumonia Vol.163 Hal: 1730–54 : Am J Respir Crit Care Med

Shah PB, Giudice JC, Griesback R, Morley TF, Vasoya A.,(2004) The newer guidelines for the management of community-acquired pneumonia. Vol.104 No. 14 Hal: 521–6. : JAOA

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