Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory

ISSN 0854-4263

Vol. 18 / No. 1 / Published : 2011-01

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Original Article :

Identification of cryptosporidiosis in paediatric hiv-infected patients with chronic diarrhoea at paediatric gastro

Author :

  1. Jusak Nugraha*1
  2. Febtarini Rahmawati*2
  3. D Husada*3
  1. Bag PK FK-UNAIR/RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
  2. Bag PK FK-UNAIR/RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
  3. Bagian Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Airlangga/RS. Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Abstract :

  Based on the results of overseas researchers, Cryptosporidiosis occurs in immunosuppressive cases with chronic diarrhoea. In this study the researchers would like to know exactly whether that Cryptosporidiosis occurs also in paediatric HIV patients. The latest data show that the incidence of opportunistic infection is characterized by persistent diarrhoea and severe malnutrition as a complication of the paediatric HIV-infected patients is increasing. The objects of the research were fifteen paediatric HIV-infected patients which treated at the Paediatric Gastro Ward of Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya due to persistent diarrhoea. Paediatric patients were less than five years old, suffered persistent diarrhoea more than two weeks with severe malnutrition. Stool specimens were transported using 10% formalin. The stool suspension was filtered, and distilled water was added followed by centrifugation (sedimentation method). The precipitate material was placed on a glass object and dried, and then fixed by methanol and stained with Acid Fast Staining and trichrome staining. The protozoa Cryptosporidium spp. was observed under a binocular microscope with 100X magnification (immersion oil) objective. The result was confirmed as positive if a red spherical or oval formation of oocyste of 4-6 micron appeared. Sixty percent of the 15 paediatric HIV-infected patients with chronic diarrhoea showed positive cryptosporidiosis. Cryptosporidiosis is one of the opportunistic infections resulting in chronic diarrhoea in paediatric HIV-infected patients. The results of the present research indicate that the enteric parasite Cryptosporidium spp. was the main cause of persistent diarrhoea in paediatric HIV-infected patients.   Berdasarkan hasil telitian sebelumnya, Kriptosporidiosis terjadi di pasien dengan keadaan kekebalan yang menurun disertai diare kronik. Para peneliti ingin mengetahui apakah hal tersebut juga terjadi di pasien anak. Didasari data terbaru menunjukkan ada peningkatan kejadian infeksi oportunistik dengan malagizi berat di pasien HIV anak. Sebagai subjek penelitian ialah penderita HIV anak dengan diare menetap yang dirawat di Ruang Gastro Anak RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Usia penderita adalah di bawah lima tahun dan mengalami diare lebih dari dua minggu disertai malagizi berat. Pengumpulan bahan tinja menggunakan 3 mL formalin 10%, selanjutnya diolah di laboratorium dengan cara mengendapkan (metode sedimentasi). Bahan tinja tersebut disaring, lalu ditambah air suling dan pusingkan/disentrifus (3 ― 4 kali) hingga bahan menjernih. Endapan kemudian diletakkan di atas gelas obyek dan dikeringkan. Gelas slide yang telah kering direkatkan (difiksasi) dengan metanol dan dicat menggunakan cat tahan asam dan Trichrome. Di bawah mikroskop dengan pembesaran lensa obyektif 100X yang dibubuhi minyak celup (imersi) didapatkan protozoa Cryptosporidium spp. Bentuk parasit lonjong atau membulat (sferikal) kemerahan dengan ukuran 4 – 6 mikron. Enam puluh persen dari 15 penderita HIV anak pengidap diare kronik ditemukan positif Cryptosporidium spp. Kriptosporidiosis adalah salah satu infeksi oportunistik yang ditandai dengan gejala diare kronik. Cryptosporidium spp. merupakan penyebab diare kronik terbanyak di penderita HIV anak.

Keyword :

Cryptosporidiosis, chronic diarrhoea,

References :

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