Detail Article

Folia Medica Indonesiana

ISSN 0303-7932

Vol. 47 / No. 1 / Published : 2011-01

Order : 13, and page :64 - 67

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Original Article :

Penile length of newborn infants in dr. soetomo hospital surabaya. a preliminary study

Author :

  1. Muhammad Faizi*1
  2. Tri Dyah*2
  3. Lita ST*3
  4. Netty EP*4
  1. Department of Child Health Airlangga University Faculty of Medicine Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital Surabaya
  2. Department of Child Health Airlangga University Faculty of Medicine Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital Surabaya
  3. Department of Child Health Airlangga University Faculty of Medicine Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital Surabaya
  4. Department of Child Health Airlangga University Faculty of Medicine Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital Surabaya

Abstract :

The objective of this research was as preliminary study to establish the norms of penile length in newborn infants in Surabaya population. Methods: The stretched peniles length were measured in 217 healthy newborn neonate males during the first 48 hour of life at Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya from January–March 2005. It was found that in 195 full term neonates mean length was 23.5 ± 3.9 mm (with range 12 – 32 mm), 22 preterm neonates mean length was 21.7 ± 4.3 mm (with range 14 – 29 mm).  Using the definition of mean length - 2.5 SD for the definition of micropenis, the value was 13.8 mm for full term neonate and 11 mm for preterm neonate. In conclusion, mean penile length of newborns neonates in Surabaya lower than other regions as previous reported.

Keyword :

penile length, micropenis, newborn,

References :

Aaronson, IA ,(1994) Micropenis. Medical and Surgical Implication - : The Journal of Urology

Al-Herbish, AS ,(2002) Standard penile size for normal full term newborns in the Saudi population - : Saudi Med J

Cheng, PK & Chanoine, JP,(2001) Should the definition of micropenis vary according to ethnicity? - : Horm Res

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