Table of Content

Folia Medica Indonesiana [FMI]

ISSN : 0303-7932

Volume 41 / Nomor : 2 / Published : 2005-04

Cover Media Content
  1. Editorial vol 41 no 2 2005
  2. Opinion: bioethics. its role in research
  3. Gastroprotective effect of curcumine on ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats
  4. Spermatozoa motility and morphological recovery process in mice (mus musculus) after the induction of 2-methoxyethanol
  5. Nutritional and immune effects of early enteral feeding supplemented by arginine, glutamine and omega 3 fatty acid in critically ill patients
  6. The comparison of the effectiveness between 2.5% povidone-iodine eye drop and 1% tetracycline eye ointment on bacterial ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis
  7. The effectiveness test of eyedrop lodoxamide tromethamine 0.1 % and sodium cromoglycate 2% in vernal keratoconjunctivity in dr. soetomo hospital, surabaya
  8. Risk factors of symptomatic and asymptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee
  9. Brain natriuretic peptide as an indicator of left ventricle dysfunction and a predictor of cardiovascular events in acute coronary syndromes
  10. Management of perioperative pulmonary edema in patient with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia undergoing c-section
  11. Water source as the risk factor of h. pylori infection in chidren aged 0 - 5 years in suburban area of surakarta
  12. Clinical–epidemiological data on hiv/aids patients admitted to a top referral hospital during 1997-2005. a database for action in the future, referring to another developing countries
  13. Review article and clinical experience: new insights into oral agents in the treatment of t2dm (the roles of fixed-dose oral agents combination)
  14. Literature review: choosing a prosthetic heart valve