Table of Content

Folia Medica Indonesiana [FMI]

ISSN : 0303-7932

Volume 45 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2009-01

Cover Media Content
  1. Comparison of acid-base balance change in hypovolemic shock with 0.9% normal saline therapy and ringers lactate. a controlled randomized clinical test
  2. The effectiveness of acid phosphatase and zinc tests on the seminal fluid spot examination as the primary identification. a laboratory observational study
  3. The relationship between the width and that of dental arch of the upper jaw in patients with down’s syndrome which is measured by anthropometric methods
  4. Immuno-modulatory effect of probiotic and sublingual immunotherapy in asthmatic children
  5. Difference of plasma interleukin-10 level in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and healthy nurses with pulmonary tuberculosis risk
  6. Isolation of male antifertility compound in n-butanol fraction of justicia gendarussa burm. f. leaves
  7. Lps helicobacter pylori causative agent of the increase of tnf-α, vcam, e-selectin and mmp-8 as indicator of endothelial dysfunction
  8. Hyaluronan, tnf-α and estradiol concentrations in infertile women with endometriosis
  9. Factors affecting compliance to medication in lung tuberculosis patients
  10. Antiseizure and neurotoxicity effects of ligustrosid glycoside isolated from fraxinus graffithii clarke compared to phenytoin and diazepam
  11. Effect of andrographis paniculata extract on mammary carcinoma in rats induced by dmba
  12. Review article: ultrasound elastography: development of the imaging technique for tissue elasticity assessment
  13. Review article and clinical experience: thyroid storm: quick diagnosis and quick treatment. the roles of formulas g/o–p-39.5 – 120 and cs-7.1.5