Table of Content

Folia Medica Indonesiana [FMI]

ISSN : 0303-7932

Volume 50 / Nomor : 2 / Published : 2014-04

Cover Media Content
  1. The effect of 3000 mg intravenous vitamin c on serum nitric oxide level of severe burnt injury patients
  2. Correlation between plasma levels of interferon and viral load in patients with hiv stage 1
  3. Correlation between serum level of heart type fatty acid binding protein (h-fabp) and n-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (nt-probnp) on acute coronary syndrome patient
  4. Profile of gyra and gyrb gene mutation in clinical isolate of ciprofloxacin resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa
  5. Effect of cardiac rehabilitation programs on functional capacity of post coronary revascularization patient using six minute walk-test
  6. Correlation between tgf-1 plasma level and cd4+ t lymphocyte count in stage i hiv-infected patients
  7. The effect of 3000 mg vitamin c infusion on histamine level of severely burnt patients
  8. Comparison of fugl-meyer score between patients with acute thrombotic infarc stroke treated with standard medication and fluoxetine
  9. Antibiotics quantity-based escherichia coli resistance pattern in patients at surgical and psychiatric wards, dr soetomo hospital, surabaya
  10. Age and resting heart rate are discriminators to predict endurance without physical test
  11. Case report: trunk and reticular varicose on a 9-year-old child
  12. Comparison of the apgar score of spontaneous vaginal birth and assisted birth in dr. soetomo hospital surabaya
  13. Five years retrospective study of burns in dr soetomo general hospital surabaya