Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 1978-760X

Vol. 11 / No. 1 / Published : 2019-01

Order : 4, and page :16 - 19

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Original Article :

Aswaja commodity a conflict study between nu and salafi in pasuruan city

Author :

  1. Dewi Masyitha*1
  1. STAI Al-yasini, Ponpes Terpadu Al Yasini

Abstract :

In carrying out Islamic imagery this will be bigger and more competitive, when it is also divided into several ideologies such as Shia, Sunni, and Wahhabi. In this study the focus is on groups that claim to be Islam Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamah, namely NU and Salafi. The two Islamic groups also carry out forms of imaging ranging from education, health, social media, business, and so on. This study uses qualitative, involving religious leaders in Pasuruan as informants. Data collection is done by in-depth interviews with informants. use text relating to studies conducted by researchers to obtain data and also make observations. From a number of movements carried out by the NU community in the city of Pasuruan, especially those related to its response to the strengthening of the Wahabi movement, we can conclude that there is a struggle for influence.

Keyword :

shia, sunni, NU, salafi, Pasuruan,

References :

Dirdjosanjoto P,(1999) Memelihara Umat: Kiai Pesantren-Kiai Langgar di Jawa Yogyakarta : LKiS

Muzadi M,(2006) NU dalam Perspektif Sejarah dan Ajaran Surabaya : Khalista

Sugiono M,(1999) Kritik Antonio Gramsci terhadap Pembangunan Dunia Ketiga Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 11 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2019-01
  1. Social Construction Of Ndudut Mantu Engagement Tradition In Centhini Society District Lamongan
  2. The Meaning Of Money Politics For Constituents In The Legislative Election
  3. The Implementation Of Mahabharata Series Values By Nu Muslimat
  4. Aswaja Commodity A Conflict Study Between Nu And Salafi In Pasuruan City
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