Detail Article

INSAN Media Psikologi

ISSN 1411-2671 (Cetak); 2310-7945 (Online)

Vol. 8 / No. 3 / Published : 2006-12

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Original Article :

The cognitive principles of multimedia learning: the role of modality and contiguity in raising learning outcome

Author :

  1. Fatimah Saguni*1
  1. Faculty of Tarbiyah, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Palu

Abstract :

This experiment was to observe the cognitive principles of multimedia learning, namely the role of modality and contiguity in raising learning outcome. The intended learning outcome was retention test, transfer test and matching test. The implementation of experiment consisted of four groups; group N (Narration), group IT (Integrated Text), group ST (Separated Text) and control group. The subjects of experiment were 120 students male student and female student of 19-21 years old, semester II and IV, academic year 1999-2001 of Department of Kurikulum and Teknologi Pendidikan, Department of Administrasi Pendidikan, Department of Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, Faculty of Ilmu Pendidikan, UNY, Yogyakarta. Analysis of variant 1 Mixed 1- Factor (Anava AB) was used to analyze data. T-test among A classifications which were obtained for retention of t-test score; –2.148; -4.245; -6.510 for each, score of p= 0.032; 0.000; 0,000 for each, transfer of t-test –2.545; -4.895; -7.290 for each, with p=0.0012; 0.000; 0.000 for each, for matching, the scores of t-test–2.554; -4.812; -6.787 for each, with p= 0.012; 0.000; 0.000 for each. The hypothesis was significantly accepted. This meant that the students to whom the principles of learning by using modality and spatial contiguity were provided had greater retention learning outcome, transfer and matching compared with students to whom the principles of learning using modality and spatial contiguity were not provided. While statistic analysis of t-test among classifications was obtained –2.265; p 0,024 of t-test retention, -2.398; p= 0,017 of t-test transfer, -1.975; p=0.048 of t-test matching, the hypothesis was significantly accepted. This meant that students of group N (Narration) had greater learning outcome of retention, transfer and matching compared with students of group IT (integrated Text). Rather, statistic analysis using t-test among classifications gave results; -2.097; 9 0.036 of t-test retention, -2.348; p= 0.019 of t-test transfer, and –2.258; p= 0.024 of t-test matching, so that hypothesis was significantly accepted. This meant that students of group IT (Integrated Text) had greater learning outcome of retention, transfer and matching compared with students of group ST.

Keyword :

cognitive, learning, multimedia, modality, contiguity,

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Archive Article

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