ISSN 2302-8777
Vol. 4 / No. 1 / Published : 2015-05
Order : 15, and page :1627 - 1641
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Original Article :
Credit card fraud (carding) dan dampaknya terhadap perdagangan luar negeri indonesia
Author :
- Mehda Zuraida *1
- Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Abstract :
Carding is the negative impact of e – commerce activities which developed along with the revolution of technology information and internet that make countries around the world more integrated and borderless. Due to this illegal action, Indonesia repeatedly become the subject of embargo. The number of Internet Protocol (IP), credit card and address of Indonesia are restricted in the activities of any e – commerce transaction. According to this problem, Indonesian government needs to develop a proactive step to overcome the problems that appear because of carding activities and conduct international campaigns and lobbying to gain good reputation of Indonesia and world’s trust towards e – commerce industry in Indonesia. So that the IP blocking action can be prevented and if necessary even be reduced, as well as doing verification of all evidence of domestic and foreign institution which could harm the industry and IT – based business of Indonesia.
Keyword :
Carding, Foreign Trade, Indonesia,
References :
Buzan, Barry,(1991) People, State & Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era - : Harvester Wheatsheaf
Archive Article
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Content |
Volume : 4 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2015-05 |
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