Detail Article

Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 2302-8777

Vol. 3 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-03

Order : 11, and page :177 - 200

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Original Article :

Disfungsi peran unfpa atas kebijakan kependudukan di cina pada tahun 1979 – 1994

Author :

  1. Elvira Ratna Syafitri*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

United Nations Population and Fund is a UN agency that was established on 1969  with  a  mandate  to  help  developing  countries  solve  its  population  issue.One  of  those  countries  was  China. The  regime of Deng Xiaoping  forecasted that China will experience an obstacle in reaching for its development goals ifits population were not controlled. Den Xioping implemented a policy that is known  as  One-Child  Policy  has  the  intentions  to  limit  the  birth  rate  of  eachfamily  to  control  the  increasing  population. In  the  execution,  this  policy  was implemented  coercively  even  to  the  extent  of  the  violation  of  human  right s.From the beginning of the policy, UNFPA has helped China to in implementing the policy. The coercive actions experienced by the Chinese people indicated thedysfunctional role of the UNFPA. In this thesis, the dysfunction role of UNFPA is  approached  by  the  international  dysfunctional  organization  theory.  Thematerial dimension is related to the weak political bureaucracy of UNFPA and the Chinese power conversion of the UNFPA. The cultural dimension is relatedto the culture of the beuracracy and the international discourse.

Keyword :

One-Child Policy, UNFPA, power, dysfunctional at international organization, politic bureaucracy,

References :

Bungin, Burhan,(2001) Metodologi Penelitian Sosial: Format-Format Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif Surabaya : Airlangga University Press

Morgenthau, Hans J.,(1948) Politics Among Nations: The Sturggle for Power and Peace New York : Knopf

Silalahi, Uber,(2006) Metode Penelitian Sosial Bandung : UNPAR Press

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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