Detail Article

Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 2302-8777

Vol. 3 / No. 2 / Published : 2014-07

Order : 6, and page :527 - 552

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Original Article :

Dukungan india terhadap junta militer myanmar (2004-2009): kerjasama ekonomi dan rivalitas dengan cina

Author :

  1. Ravi Mirza Fitri *1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

This research questioned the support given by the Government of India to the Burmese  military  junta  during  the  leadership  of  Manmohan  Singh  (2004-2009). The  support  and  constructive  relationship  carried  out  by  India  to Burma  is  based  on  3  factors:  first,  India’s  increasingly  needs  for  energy  inwhich Burma have plenty  of it, secondly, the  Indian  government is trying to remove  the  rampant  poverty  in  Northeast  Region  of  India  by  establishingborder  trade  with  Burma  to  speed  up  economic  growth  in  the  Northeastern India, and the third, is because India regards Chinese presence in Burma as athreat due to continued strong Chinese influence in  Burma  which may affect the  security  of  India.  The  discussion  is  divided  into;  internal  factors,  whichinclude the Indian energy needs and the poverty elimination in Northeastern India,  and  external  factors,  namely  the  Indian  effort  to  provide  a  contestagainst  Chinese  presence  and  influence  over  Myanmar.  The  research  then concludes with the affirmation that India’s support is based on 3 main factorswhich  already  been  describe  previously,  including  several  suggestions  for further research.

Keyword :

India, Support, Burma, Threat, China,

References :

Aung, Thin Thin, dan Soe Myint,(2001) “India-Burma Relations”, dalam Challenges to Democratization in Burma: Perspective in Multilateral and Bilateral Responses, ed. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Stockholm : International IDEA

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Cover Media Content

Volume : 3 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2014-07
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