Detail Article

Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 2302-8777

Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Published : 2016-06

Order : 21, and page :560 - 571

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Original Article :

Keberhasilan privatisasi pengelolaan air bersih di chili

Author :

  1. Tara Farah Diba*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

Privatisation in the sector of water management is one of the main agenda of structural adjustment in the Washington Consensus promoted by the World Bank, IMF, IFIs and international financial institutions. Implementation of privatization is intended to create enterprise efficiency and as a prescription on external debt crises experienced by countries in the Latin American region. This paper discusses the success of the privatization of water management in the urban area of Santiago, Chile. Post-Washington Consensus approach is used to describe the success of the privatization of water management in Chile. The hypothesis is the involvement of Chile as a country that has the capacity to determine economic policy reforms related to privatization of water management and the regulation of the institution as a state representative in the privatization as well as the provision of subsidies as social safety nets. The research focuses on the year 1998-2005 when the privatization process conducted Chilean water management. To obtain a comprehensive analysis, it also presented the history of water management in Chile when it was still under the state company that has been linked to the company's efficiency achieved by Chile.

Keyword :

Privatization of Water Management, Post-Washington Consensus, State Capacity,

References :

Buira, Ariel,(2003) Challenges to the World Bank and IMF: Developing Country Perspective - : Anthem Press

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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