Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional
ISSN 2302-8777
Vol. 6 / No. 1 / Published : 2017-01
Order : 6, and page :64 - 76
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Original Article :
Kepentingan tiongkok dalam pembangunan bendungan di sungai mekong
Author :
- Alberta Nilasari D. Nastiti*1
- Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Abstract :
Mekong river plays an important role to sustain the economy of the countries in the Mekong sub-regional area, such as China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. In contrast to other countries that prioritize the flow of the river for irrigation and fisheries, China saw the high potensial in the development of hydropower energy resources. This finally prompted the government to launch development programs, Cascade of eight dams in Yunnan Province. But in its development, this project gained a lot of criticism, especially from other subregional countries, regard to the various environmental impacts caused by the construction of the hydropower. China’s position in upstream of the river cause the countries that are below also feel the negative impact of the hydropower development. Neverthless, the Chinese government did not flinch and continued the project until the last dam construction. The theory pattern of development of Hollis B. Chenery used to identify the reasons behind the construction of the dam. Through this theory has known that the implementation of china’s dams construction in Mekong River related to government efforts to fulfill the needs of domestic energy.
Keyword :
Mekong, hydropower, economic development, energy consumption,
References :
[23] Todaro, Michael P. & Stephen C. Smith.,(2006) Economic Development: Ninth Edition - : Pearson Education
Archive Article
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![]() Volume : 6 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2017-01 |