Detail Article

Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 2302-8777

Vol. 6 / No. 3 / Published : 2017-09

Order : 34, and page :96 - 106

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Original Article :

Penolakan indonesia terhadap kerjasama keamanan selat malaka terkait “proliferation security initiative” dengan amerika serikat

Author :

  1. Alfian Dwinov Mandala Kawengian*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

This research explains Indonesia's rejection of the Malacca Strait security cooperation with the Proliferation Security Initiative offered by the United States. In May 2003 US President George Bush issued the Proliferation Security Initiative policy because a Spanish military incident intercepted the So San ship carrying 12 SCUD missiles smuggled under hundreds of tons of cement. On the basis of such incidents the United States established cooperation to enhance international security in preventing the delivery of Weapon Mass Destruction. But in June 2004 in Jakarta Post through Admiral Bernard Kent Sondakh as head of the Navy of the Republic of Indonesia stated that the existence of foreign interference in the waters of Malacca strait is considered unnecessary because it could disturb the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Because in UNLOS 1982 Indonesia has the right of part of the Malacca Strait as the territorial sea area and the Exclusive Economic Zone and the agreement is also regulated on the right of the coastal state to establish the regulation concerning its territory. Given the geographical factors that make up the archipelagic country and its large military capabilities, Indonesia has a strong foundation for its foreign policy policy of rejecting the security cooperation program in the Malacca Strait in connection with the Proliferation Security Initiative.

Keyword :

Malacca Strait, Indonesia, Foreign Policy, Proliferation Security Iniative, Security, Sovereignty.,

References :

Babbie, Earl Babbie,(2007) The Practice of Social Research - : Cengange Learning

Archive Article

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