Detail Article

Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 2302-8777

Vol. 5 / No. 3 / Published : 2016-03

Order : 10, and page :111 - 124

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Original Article :

Peran publik dalam diplomasi: penggunaan diplomasi basket dalam hubungan amerika serikat-cina

Author :

  1. Triawan Lukman Pambudi*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

Sports diplomacy is a practice of diplomacy that use sport as a medium, one of which is the diplomacy Basket. Basketball Diplomacy is also implemented in relation to the United States and China. So, the success of Basketball Diplomacy conducted by the United States and China can be seen from the enthusiasm of Chinese high society to the implementation of US Diplomacy Basketball NBA after the market entry into China. In addition, the western lifestyle seemed to have been absorbed by young people in China to imitate the way they dress and the style of basketball players of their idol. Diplomats increasing emergence of citizen contribution as that of Yao Ming after successfully entered the NBA in 2002 also became one of the factors that influence. Basketball Diplomacy their use also leads to increase partnership and networking between the public and the US government and China. This paper will discuss the successful implementation of the Basketball Diplomacy between the United States and China using public diplomacy theory advanced by Ivan Willis Rasmussen as an analytic tool to prove the truth based on the indicators that already exist.    

Keyword :

Basket Diplomacy, Citizen Diplomats, NBA, Partnership, Networking,

References :

Lane, Dustin C,(2004) From Mao to Yao: a New Game Plan for China in the Era of Basketball Globalization Vol. 13, No. 1, hal. 127-161 : Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal Association

Archive Article

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