Jurnal Analisis Hubungan Internasional
ISSN 2302-8777
Vol. 2 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-03
Order : 18, and page :331 - 344
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Original Article :
Peran unicef atas perlindungan kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan dalam konflik di republik demokratik kongo
Author :
- Yeni Kusuma*1
- Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Abstract :
Non traditional issues in international relations that causing treat of security concept have awaken international society to protect human rights especially for children and women in emergency condition such situation of conflict. Sexual violence based on gender is a serious violent of human rights which protected by international law. Rape women in DRC is interesting case to be researched because of the highest number of rape victims in a country which called by UN as capital of the world rape and the importance of responses regarding on violation of human rights as impact of conflict. This research aim to describing role of UN’s agency, UNICEF with its programmes to protect children and women of sexual violence in DRC’s conflict (2004-2008). UNICEF also played role in protection of women because the victims are not limited by ages including girls. UNICEF implemented the gender based approach on the child protection program as stated in Millenium Development Goals. The technique of data collect in this research is Library Research with descriptive research method. Qualitative data means to give description of roles that given by UNICEF as well as the programmes.
Keyword :
UNICEF, protection, sexual violence based on gender, Democratic Republic of Congo, human rights,
References :
Kevin C. Dunn,(2003) the Congo: The International Relations of Identity New York : Palgrave Macmillan
Koen Vlassenroot dan Timothy Raeymaekers,(2004) Conflict and Social Transformation in Eastern D.R. Congo Gent : Academia Press Scientific
Michael Barnett dan Thomas Weiss,(2008) Humanitarian in Question: Politics, Power, Ethic New York : Cornell University Press
SCIAF,(2010) Ending Mass Rape Violence in Republic Democratic of Congo: The Role of Interational Community - : SCIAF Report
Ni Aoláin and C. Turne,(2007) Gender, Truth and Transition - : UCLA Women’s Law Journal
Archive Article
Cover Media | Content |
Volume : 2 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-03 |