Detail Article

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi

ISSN 2301-7171

Vol. 1 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-09

Order : 3, and page :182 - 191

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Original Article :

Perbedaan kejadian komplikasi penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 menurut gula darah

Author :

  1. Octaviana Wulandari*1
  2. Santi Martini*2
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
  2. Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Abstract :

ABSTRACT Nowadays many countries had changed the pattern of original disease from infectious disease to chronic disease and degenerative disease. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic degenerative disease with a prevalence continue to increase, there are 300 thousand patient with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in East Java with total population 33 million people and in Indonesia there are 2,5 million. The purpose of this study was Analyzing differences incidence of complications patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus based on Blood Sugar levels in Lidah Kulon Surabaya. The design of this study was study comparative with cross sectional design. Respondents in this study were 69 patients and used simple random sampling. The variables are blood sugar, age, sex and incidence of complications. The result of this study showed the proportion of patients Diabetes Mellitus was highest in the group patients without complication (73.9%), female (76.8%) and age ≥ 50 years (86.3%). According to the statistic there was no difference between incidence of complications Diabetes Mellitus with age (p = 0.67), sex (p = 0.206), blood sugar level (p = 0.989) and frequency of checking blood sugar (p = 0.85). There was no difference between incidence of complications Diabetes Mellitus and blood sugar level patient with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Puskesmas Lidah Kulon.   Keywords: incidence of complications, blood sugar, diabetes mellitus type 2

Keyword :

incidence of complications, blood sugar, diabetes mellitus type 2,

References :

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