Table of Content

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi [JBE]

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi merupakan jurnal empat bulanan yang memuat naskah di bidang epidemiologi. Pemuatan artikel di jurnal ini dialamatkan ke kantor editor. Informasi lengkap untuk pemuatan artikel dan petunjuk penulisan artikel tersedia di dalam setiap terbitan. Artikel yang masuk akan melalui proses seleksi mitra bestari atau editor. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala sebanyak tiga kali dalam setahun yaitu Januari, Mei, dan September

ISSN : 2301-7171

Volume 1 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2013-05

Cover Media Content
  1. Relationship and risk behavior of dental hygiene with dental caries in elementary school student
  2. Distribution attributes system surveillance maternal district of jember
  3. Analysis of factors that related to the participation of fitness exercise for elderly
  4. The relationship between knowledge with the actions to prevent hiv transmission in boys
  5. The relationship between smoking habit and the severity level of periodontal desease
  6. The relationship of education and knowledge of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis toward treatment compliance in merauke
  7. Cold chain system related to diphtheria cases in puskesmas surabaya
  8. The relationship between health history of the rider and occurrence accidents
  9. Hiv infection background among housewife in hope community surabaya
  10. Attributes assessment of drug resistance surveillance in surabaya city health department 2012
  11. Determinants of knowledge about stroke among students
  12. Diphtheria surveillance system in health department of surabaya 2012 based on surveillance attributes
  13. Larvae surveyor’s role to reduce the density figure of aedes’s larvae