Detail Article

Jurnal Biometrika dan Kependudukan

ISSN 2302707X

Vol. 3 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-07

Order : 5, and page :34 - 42

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Original Article :

Pemodelan bayesian model averaging (bma) pada kasus pneumonia balita

Author :

  1. Debbiyatus Sofia*1
  2. Kuntoro*2
  3. Soenarnatalina*3
  1. AKBID Ibrahimy Sukorejo Situbondo
  2. Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
  3. Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Abstract :

Bayesian method is known as a better method than other methods because it combines the information from the sample data and the information from the previous distribution (prior). There are several methods in the Bayesian able to choose the best models involving uncertainty models and one of them is Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). BMA is a method that can predict the best model based on the weighted average of all models. BMA goal is to combine model uncertainty in order to get the best model. The purpose of the study was to determine the linear regression model of the BMA in cases of pneumonia. Design research is applied research. The experiment was conducted in Situbondo in May-June 2014. Sampling was done by total sampling 0f 17 health centers throughout Situbondo. BMA results indicate that there were 27 models selected with the 5 best models from the 2048 model is formed. BMA Model was produced 9 significant variable predictor of the response variable. These variables were not smoke in the house, healthy household, exclusive breastfeeding, infants received vitamin A, DPT immunization coverage, low birth weight, malnutrition children, number of posyandu and toddler health services. Variables were not significant are clean and healthy living behavior and infant visits.

Keyword :

linear regression, bayesian model averaging, pneumonia,

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 3 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2014-07
  1. Faktor Pada Ibu Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Komplikasi Kebidanan
  2. Peran Faktor Keluarga Dan Karakteristik Remaja Terhadap Perilaku Seksual Pranikah
  3. Hubungan Persepsi Nilai Anak Dengan Jumlah Dan Jenis Kelamin Anak Yang Diinginkan Pada Wanita Usia Subur Pranikah Di Perdesaan
  4. Analisis Faktor Risiko Berat Badan Lahir Pada Kematian Perinatal Menggunakan Meta Analysis
  5. Pemodelan Bayesian Model Averaging (bma) Pada Kasus Pneumonia Balita
  6. Penerapan Clustering Bootstrap Dengan Metode K-means
  7. Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perkawinan Muda Perempuan
  8. Pengaruh Faktor Risiko Ibu Dan Janin Terhadap Persalinan Caesarean Section
  9. Rendahnya Keikutsertaan Pengguna Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang Pada Pasangan Usia Subur
  10. Hubungan Status Kesehatan Neonatal Dengan Kematian Bayi
  11. Efektivitas Pemberian Wedang Jahe (zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum) Terhadap Penurunan Emesis Gravidarum Pada Trimester Pertama
  12. Kondisi Sosioekonomi Dan Demografi Keluarga Pra Sejahtera Dan Sejahtera I