Detail Article

Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas

ISSN 2355-5912

Vol. 4 / No. 1 / Published : 2015-06

Order : 4, and page :21 - 28

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Original Article :

Profil bioautogram bakteriosin dalam sediaan susu probiotik

Author :

  1. Floriana Nataly*1
  2. Isnaeni *2
  3. Achmad Toto Poernomo*3
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  2. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  3. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi

Abstract :

Probiotic milk is a milk that contain probiotic bacteria. Probiotics is life microbial feed supplement; whichbeneficially affect the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance. The probiotic bacteria produceantimicrobial substances; that can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, that called bacteriocin. One of thebacteriosin is nisin, which exhibit antimicrobial activity against a wide range of Gram positive bacteria, and isparticularly affective against bacterial spores. Seven from twenty probiotic milk samples contained in themarketplace, have been extracted to precipitate the bacteriocin. The extracts were then analyzed by using TLCbioautographymethodswithn-buthanol,acetatacid,water(4:1:1)andStaphylococcusaureusATCC25923aspathogenicbacteria.Of inhibition zone diameter obtained, can be known whether in the same concentration,samples of probiotic milk have different antibacterial activity. There are different profile bioautogram fromextracted samples of probiotic milk. Three from seven extracted samples have the same rf, but none of thatextracted samples have the same rf with nisin. All of extracted sample have microbial activity but smaller thannisin activity to against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 bacteria. 

Keyword :

probiotic milk, , bioautography, , nisin, , bacteriocin, , Staphylococcus aureus.,

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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