Detail Article

Jurnal Global dan Strategis

ISSN 1907-9729

Vol. 8 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-09

Order : 10, and page :147 - 167

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Original Article :

Pemetaan studi hubungan internasional di indonesia: sebuah telaah perspektif

Author :

  1. Irfa Puspitasari*1
  2. Baiq L.S.W. Wardhani*2
  1. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
  2. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

The  study  of  International  Relations  (IR)  in  Indonesia  is  still  in  its development stage, so unable to be compared to the same subject in Europe, or even in the Southeast Asian neighbors such as Singapore or Malaysia. This article tries to elaborate the contemporary condition of the study of IR in Indonesia. By using the course syllabi and the recent interview reports with the IR scholars, and complemented by tracing the historical and classic books on IR theory or even the Indonesian foreign policy, this research found some facts that IR scholars in Indonesia have not yet using the Indonesian approach in analyzing IR problems.

Keyword :

study of International Relations, Indonesia, syllabi, IR Theory,

References :

Abdulgani, Roeslan,(1977) Sejarah, Cita-cita dan Pengaruhnya Konperensi Asia Afrika Bandung Jakarta : Idayu Press

Ahluwalia, Pal,(2001) Politics and Post-Colonial Theory: African Inflection Oxford : Taylor & Francis

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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