Detail Article

Jurnal Hubungan Internasional

ISSN 1411-9729

Vol. 9 / No. 1 / Published : 2016-01

Order : 9, and page :137 - 152

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Original Article :

Analisis kebijakan war on drugs amerika serikat di kolombia

Author :

  1. Cintya Aryadevi S.*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

One of the United States policies regarding war on drugs in Southern America is Plan Kolombia. Plan Kolombia is a foreign aid that given by United States to Kolombia with aim to decreased cocaine production in Kolombia. Unfortunately, Plan Kolombia failed to meet its target. Article explains the reason why Plan Kolombia has failed to fulfill its aim. To make it easy to understanding, article is divided into four sections: the problem of foreign aid, the problem about organized crime, the weakness of Kolombian law enforcement that emerge narcotics problems; and violent approaches on its programs. Article argues that the United Staes had misdiagnosed on designing strategy and on implementations. Plan Kolombia was designed with violent approaches rather than law and security approaches.

Keyword :

Plan Colombia, War on Drugs, foreign aid,

References :

Armao, Fabio,(2003) “Why is Organized Crime so Successful?” In Organized Crime and the Challenge to Democracy. Fellia Allum and Renart Siebert (eds.) New York : Routledge

Gomez, Gonzalo Sánchez,(2004) “Challenges Faced by Contemporary Kolombia.” In Kolombia from the Inside. Michiel Baud and Donny Meertens (eds.) Amsterdam : Cuadernos del Cedla

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McCarthy, Dennis,(2011) “The Kolombian Drug Cartel.” In The Economic History of Organized Crime New York : Routledge

Nielsen, Richard A, Michael G Findley, Zachary S Davis, Tara Canland, and Daniel L Nielson,(2011) “Foreign Aid Shocks as a Cause of Violent Armed Conflict” 55 (2): 219-232 : American Journal of Political Science

Archive Article

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