Detail Article

Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi FST

ISSN 2303-3428

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-01

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Original Article :

Pengaruh pemberian polisakarida krestin dari ekstrak coriolus versicolor terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada mencit yang terpapar timbal

Author :

  1. Nugroho Kartika Aditama*1
  2. Sri puji Astuti Wahyuningsih*2
  3. Sugiharto*3
  1. -
  2. -
  3. -

Abstract :

Lead is a metal compounds that are dangerous to health, has been noted in various studies can lead to toxicity or poisoning of the blood. One of them can lower hemoglobin, this study aims to determine the effect of various doses CSWs in extracts of the fungus Coriolus versicolor to total hemoglobin concentration using a dose of 1000 ppm of lead / kg / BB. This study used 25 female mice  aged 8-10 weeks strain Balb / C  weighing 25-30 grams. The study is divided into 5 treatment groups, the positive control, negative (given the lead), PSK dose 1.5 mg / kg / BW, a dose of 3 mg / kg / BB, and a dose of 6 mg. The solution PSK from Coriolus versicolor mushroom estrak administered orally. hemoglobin levels were analyzed, using the test and test Gomes Brown forsyted howell at α = 5%.These results indicate that the negative control which was given the lead had a significant reduction in mean hemoglobin concentration compared with the positive control. In the treatment group were given a single dose of 1.5 mg / mm have elevated levels of hemoglobin 11.90 mg / dl, the two treatment groups was given  a dose of 3 mg / mm hemoglobin 13.43 mg / dL, the group was given three doses of 6 mg / mm approximately hemoglobin 14.50 mg / dL. Giving krestin polysaccharide (PSK) is extracted from the mushroom Coriolus versicolor  in various doses on time delivery for  one month can increased hemoglobin levels in the blood of mice.

Keyword :

Polysaccharides krestin (PSK), Coriolus versicolor, hemoglobin level,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-01
  1. Pengaruh Penggunaan Matras Elektromagnetik Terhadap Toleransi Glukosa Pada Tikus Putih (rattus Novergicus) Diabetik Tipe Ii
  2. Pengaruh Pemberian Polisakarida Krestin Dari Ekstrak Coriolus Versicolor Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Mencit Yang Terpapar Timbal
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  14. Uji Toksisitas Subkronik Polisakarida Krestin Dari Ekstrak Coriolus Versicolor Terhadap Kadar Sgpt Mus Musculus L.