Detail Article

Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan & Kelautan

ISSN 2085-5842

Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-11

Order : 16, and page :211 - 215

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Original Article :

The potential antagonistic bacterium lactobacillus plantarum against bacterial pathogens aeromonas salmonicida by in vitro

Author :

  1. Yunifar Amad*1
  2. Rahayu Kusdarwati*2
  3. Gunanti Mahasri *3
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Perairan dan Kelautan
  2. Dosen Fakultas Perairan dan Kelautan
  3. Dosen Fakultas Perairan dan Kelautan

Abstract :

Problems were often experienced by fish farmers is bacterial pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida which causes  furunculosis disease  in fish. The way to control  the growth of this pathogenic bacteria was using antagonist bacteria of Lactobacillus plantarum. Growth of L. plantarum may inhibit contamination of pathogenic bacterial because of its ability to produce bacteriocins, produce lactic, moreover that  these bacteria can produce hydrogen  peroxide which can  function as an antibacterial. This  research aimed  to provide  information  on  the  use  of  bacterial  antagonists  L.  plantarum  in  inhibiting  the  growth  of pathogenic bacteria A. salmonicida on In Vitro. This research was conducted on October 2012 until January 2013 at dry laboratory in Fisheries and  Marine  Faculty  of  Airlangga  University  Surabaya.  This  research  used  Completely  Randomized Design (CRD) with five  treatments and four replications. Bacteria L. plantarum with 0 concentration for control (A), 106 (B), 107 (C), 108 (D), 109 (E) tested challenge by paper disc method with 106 concentrate of pathogenic bacteria A. salmonicida in vitro. The results showed  that L. plantarum with a concentration of 109 CFU/ml (E) was a  treatment that produced average of obstacle on the distribution of A. salmonicida amounted to 12,375 mm. Then the treatment with a concentration of 108 CFU/ml (D) with the average of obstacle 8,95 mm. While treatment with a concentration of 107 CFU/ml (C) and 106 CFU/ml (B) was having average of obstacle 6.8 mm and 6 mm was not  significantly  different  from  the control  (A) which had an average 6 mm  obstacle. So  it could  be  concluded  that  bacteria  L.  plantarum  had  antagonistic  potential  against  bacterial  pathogens A.salmonicida  which  indicated  by  the  obstacle  produced  by  L.  plantarum  on  growth  of  pathogenic bacteria A.salmonicida.  

Keyword :

Lactobacillus plantarum, Aeromonas salmonicida, paper disc test, obstacle ,

References :

X,(2008) Petunjuk Praktikum Mikrobiologi Dasar Purwokerto : Universitas Jendral Sudirman

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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