Detail Article

Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

ISSN 0852-4556

Vol. 3 / No. 1 / Published : 1998-05

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Original Article :

Pengkajian berbagai konsentrasi naa dan kinetin untuk pertumbuhan dan diferensiasi pada budidaya jaringan anggur (vitis labrusca var isabella)

Author :

  1. Edy Setiti Wida Utami*1
  2. Y. Sri Wulan Manuhara*2
  3. Farida Sofiati*3
  1. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Unair
  2. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Unair
  3. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Unair

Abstract :

Grape (Vitis labrusca var Isabella) is a horticulture commondity which has high economic value, nevertheless the development of the grape in Indonesia still far from satisfactory, so its need an effort to accelerate the development of grape plant by supplying a lot of seedling.Tissue culture is a good alternative to solve that problem above. The use of this technique is refer to plant multiplication which can produce a lot of seedling plant in a short time and uniform in phenotypes.This experiment’s purpose was to know concentration ratio between NAA and kinetin, which precise for growth and differentiation of Vitis Labrusca var Isabella leaf. Medium used were given by combination consist of 0 ppm, 1 ppm, 2 ppm and 2 ppm.The experiment result shows the precise concentration ratio of growth regulators for callus growth and differentiation is 2 ppm NAA : 3 ppm kinetin

Keyword :

growth regulator-diffrentiation-Vitis labrusca var Isabella.,

References :

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