Detail Article

Jurnal Oftalmologi Indonesia

ISSN 1693-2587

Vol. 7 / No. 2 / Published : 2009-12

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Original Article :

Surgical result of pseudophakic retinal detachment in cikini hospital-school of medicine christian university of indonesia jakarta

Author :

  1. Gilbert WS Simanjuntak*1
  1. Department of Ophthalmology School of Medicine, Christian University of Indonesia/Cikini Eye Institute Jakarta

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to report the result of pseudophakic retinal detachment surgery in Cikini CCI Hospital/FK-UKI Jakarta.Retrospective study of medical records of patients with retinal detachment following cataract surgery was performed. Anterior andposterior segment findings, interrval between prior cataract surgery and following RD, RD duration, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA)preoperative- and postoperatively, type of surgery and vitreous tamponade being used, anatomical result, surgical technique and relatedcomplication were recorded. All surgical procedures were done under local retrobulbar anesthesia. 19 patients that fulfills inclusioncriteria evaluated 73.4% of them were male. Mean age was 55.26 years (29–72), mean interval between prior cataract surgery and followingRD was 49.21 weeks (1–306), mean RD duration was 4.05 weeks (1–12). There were two RD patients following Nd-Yag capsulotomy4 weeks before RD. Preoperative BCVA was 0.0667, improvement (successful rate) was 73.7%, postoperative BCVA was 0.2696(p 0.006). RD duration was not statistically significant in relation with BCVA postoperatively. Multivariate analysis was done usinglogistic regression. By using variables which were statistically permitted, the result was not statistically significant. Scleral buckleprocedure was done in 26.3% patients, the rest were underwent vitrectomy. Vitrectomy of the patients who were underwent vitrectomy,64.3% had SF620% vitreous tamponade. There were 3 patients (15.8%) became phthysis. Pseudophakic retinal detachment can betreated and gain successful rate (anatomically and functionally) in 73.7% of cases in Cikini CCI Hospital/FK-UKI Jakarta.

Keyword :

retinal detachment, pseudophakic, local anesthesia, surgical technique,

References :

Norregaard JC, Thoning H, Andersen TF, Bernth-Petersen P, Javitt JC, Anderson GF,(1996) Risk of retinal detachment following cataract extraction: results from the International Cataract Surgery Outcomes Study - : Br J Ophthalmol.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists,(2004) Cataract surgery guidelines London : Scientific Department The Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Lois N, Wong D,(2003) Pseudophakic retinal detachment - : Surv Ophthalmol

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