Detail Article

Jurnal Psikologi Kepribadian dan Sosial

ISSN 2301-7074

Vol. 1 / No. 3 / Published : 2012-12

Order : 6, and page :167 - 172

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Original Article :

Gambaran kesehatan mental narapidana bersuku jawa ditinjau dari konsep nrimo

Author :

  1. Adinda Nurul Triaseptiana*1
  2. Ike Herdiana*2
  1. -
  2. -

Abstract :

This research is aimed to see the mental health description of Javanese women inmatesconcerned to Javanese's nrimo concept. Based on one of many mental health theories, it explainsmental health as a manifestation of psychological health, which is extracted into elevendimensions, included several conditions which must be accomplished as manifestation ofhealthy mental. Then, nrimo is defined as calmness in facing misery, description of affection andcognition responses related to face problem, and an individual ability to do self evaluation evenwhen they are caught in some troubles or God's tests. This research used descriptive-qualitativeapproach. In the process of data collection, this research used the interview, Life HistoryQuestionnaire, daily life journal, and interviews to significant others. The procedure of theselected respondent in this research, it used the purposive approach. This study took sixrespondents, they all were Javanese women inmates who are undergoing their criminalpunishment at the Class I Prison, Medaeng Surabaya. This research extracted conclusion thatsix respondents altogether had similar degree of understanding about Javanese nrimo concept.However, related to mental health description, there were several dimensions which were wellaccomplishedand the other several were not. That was caused by external and internal aspects ofhuman process. Which are the external mostly about problems that they are dealing with,environment surround them, and internal aspects are mostly about motivation and emotion.

Keyword :

Mental health, Nrimo, Javanese women inmates.,

References :

De Jong,(1976) Salah satu sikap hidup orang Jawa Yogyakarta : Kanisius

Magnis-Suseno, Franz,(2003) Etika Jawa, sebuah analisa falsafi tentang kebijaksanaan hidup Jawa Jakarta : Gramedia

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 3 / Pub. : 2012-12
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  6. Gambaran Kesehatan Mental Narapidana Bersuku Jawa Ditinjau Dari Konsep Nrimo
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