Jurnal Penelitian Medika Eksakta
ISSN 1411-6626
Vol. 8 / No. 1 / Published : 2009-04
Order : 1, and page :64 - 74
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Original Article :
Analisis faktor untuk mengetahui sikap bereisko kecelakaan pada lanjut usia (lansia)
Author :
- Rchmah Indawati*1
- Soenarnatalina Melaniani*2
- Muji Sulistyowati*3
- Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Dosen Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Abstract :
The Accident frequently happened to elderly is fall. many Fcator that predicted influencing accident besides intrinsic and extrinsic factor also situational factor related to individual and enviroment. Related to the condition, so focus on the research wa approach what there were or not attitude toward save themselves in old age. The object of the study were the analyze of the risk attitude to alderly accident that valid and reliable and to analyze amount factors that used to found risk attitude to accident of elderly. The result showed, many of elderly had experinced fall. Average o,42 per person in the last year, and female the more experience to fall than male. Specially about fall and or slipery which constitute caused fall's risk to older age is many factors. The result if identification was the most elderly had understood 88,8%, but the attitude about fall (55,4%) the most elderly rejected/disagree. The result of factor analysis, the knowledge component about fall found the knowledge component about fall found the knowledge dimension to elderly was 10 items that valid and reliable. The perception component found 8 items that valid and reliable, and The attitude component about fall found the attitude dimension to elderly was 13 items that valid and reliable.
Keyword :
The factor analysis, The risk attitute of accident, elderly,
References :
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Andayani R, Rejeki, 1999. Jatuh dalam Buku Ajar Geriatri (Ilmu Kesehatan usia Lanjut). jakarta, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia.
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![]() Volume : 8 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2009-04 |