Detail Article

Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik

ISSN 2303 - 3411

Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Published : 2017-02

Order : 6, and page :40 - 44

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Original Article :

Gopro (gerakan progresif remaja produktif): program penumbuhan kontrol diri pencegahan kenakalan remaja

Author :

  1. Veronica Kadista Putri*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

Juvenile delinquency in Indonesia increases every year. Based on BNN data from 2010 to 2013 there was an increase of drug cases from 531 to 1.121 (Tryas, 2014).  Beside to taking drugs, other forms of juvenile delinquency are also found in students included junior high school students. RT 2 RW 3 Kebangsren Gang IX Genteng Surabaya is located in the center of Surabaya city, so that it is near to store, shopping, and consolation center. Over there, there are 20 junior high school students. In this age interval, they have a tendency to juvenile delinquency moreover affected by social intercourse dynamics in city, thus they must have self-control for new value and culture internalization which they gain through the socialization. However, school and family still cannot grow their self-control. Hence, GOPRO program was formed as the medium of growing self-control for the solution of preventing juvenile delinquency on junior high school student in RT 2 RW 3 Kebangsren Gang IX Genteng Surabaya. Method of program enforcement uses LEGO (Five GOPRO’s technics) that is implemented on education, guidance, and science-technology development activity. Pre-test and post-test result shows there is an improvement of junior high school student’s self-control ability; juvenile delinquency knowledge from 60% to 85%, personal awareness from 75% to 82%,  social skill from 70% to 92%, skill and creativity from 40% to 85%, social awareness from 85% to 95%, and positive internet utilization from 85% to 93%. GOPRO applies monitoring and evaluation program periodically by involved youth organization in order forming of cadres so juvenile delinquency preventive to junior high school students can be done continuously

Keyword :

Juvenile Delinquency, Junior High School Students, Method,

References :

Narwoko, J. Dwi dan Suyanto, Bagong.,(2004) Sosiologi Teks Pengantar dan Terapan 4 : Prenada

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 5 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2017-02
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