Table of Content

Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik [KMP]

ISSN : 2303 - 3411

Volume 2 / Nomor : 2 / Published : 2014-02

Cover Media Content
  1. Analysis implementation of mayor regulation about procedure monitoring and controlling mangrove wonorejo surabaya area
  2. Partnership government, civil society and private sector in bank sampah program in pasar baru, city of probolinggo
  3. Public satisfaction index on damri juanda airport bus services
  4. Descriptive study on change of socialization paradigm "keluarga berencana berkelanjutan program" in bojonegoro
  5. Public service quality management (descriptive study of the quality of public service management licensing ' surat tanah hijau ' in the city of surabaya
  6. Descriptive study of the implementation coordination process integrated joint patrol in monitoring water pollution in surabaya
  7. Bounded rationality descriptive study about conflict of interest for the formulation of minimum wage (umk) in gresik regency.
  8. Accountability and transparency of government procurement through the electronic procurement (best practice in surabaya city government)
  9. Human resource planning of apparatus : descriptive study of human resource planning system of civil servants in kediri
  10. Public service innovation in bumn (descriptive study of innovation boarding pass system to improve the quality of service railway pt kai in gubeng station surabaya)
  11. Influence ability, motivation and job satisfaction on performance civil servants in environmental tambaksari district surabaya
  12. Effectivity of program e-performance in effort to achieve increase performance in the service of cleanliness and landscaping the city of surabaya
  13. Descriptive study : failure factors contributing to program area relocation pkl in stadium tambaksari surabaya
  14. Implementation of the village fund allocation policy (add) to empowering rural communities in cerme village, grogol, kediri
  15. Policy implementation of inclusive education services performance in sidoarjo
  16. Public private partnership (ppp) regional asset management: descriptive study of partnership between local company pasar surya (pdps) surabaya and pt arwinto intan wijaya (aiw) in the construction development darmo trade centre (dtc) surabaya
  17. Human resources development apparatus based standard iso 9001: 2008 competency for development of investment in the integrated licensing service institution sidoarjo
  18. Asset security effectiveness of achieving accountability in surabaya city government
  19. Study about the impact of successful implementation on policy of personnel management information system sidoarjo (simpegda) in the career satisfaction of elementary school teacher
  20. Decision making process for problem solving of licensing services in the department of human settlements and spatial surabaya
  21. The intensity of supervision by the department sanitary service and landscaping to improve quality of waste management in city of surabaya
  22. Socialization stages larasita program of management land certificate in the brayublandong village, dawarblandong district, mojokerto regency
  23. The implementation of joint five minister policy on structuring and equity civil servants teacher in blitar
  24. Payroll based on performance in surabaya city government through e-performance and employee income supplement (tpp)
  25. The impact of compensation implementation system based performance to improvement civil servants (pns) performance in the department of human settlements and spatial surabaya
  26. The effectiveness of partnership program pt. kai daop 1 jakarta in the small and medium enterprise development
  27. Militate factors that participation of beneficiaries in the economic empowerment program in self-help groups in the village kalianak asemrowo district city of surabaya
  28. Study on impact of transformative innovation support services care and treatment on hiv / aids patient satisfaction levels in gambiran kediri hospital
  29. Services innovation strategies in improving the quality of service in land office surabaya ii