Detail Article


ISSN 2303-1166

Vol. 4 / No. 2 / Published : 2015-02

Order : 16, and page :1 - 10

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Original Article :

Pergeseran nilai dan dukungan sosial keluarga pada orang tua lanjut usia (studi kasus pada lansia miskin di kabupaten blitar)

Author :

  1. Muhammad Alhada Fuadilah Habib*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

ABSTRACTSRecently, there are many people who disclaim the responsibility of takingcare their elderly parents. As the result of this phenomenon there are a lot of elderlypeople who live abandoned without the figure of family (biological children) whotakes care of themselves. Such circumstance also occurs in the people who live inBlitar regency. Blitar is dubbed as the region with the most concern toward elderlypeople, and it can be seen from many awards that have been received by this region.Nevertheless there are still many sad stories that lay in this region about elderlypeople. There are many elderly people in this region who live in miserableconditions, live in inadequacy and live without social support from their family.Most of Blitar society who adhere Islamic society and also traditional Javaneseculture are supposed to uphold and respect their parents, but in fact there are manypeople who act contrariwise.The reality above encourages the researcher to conduct research related toproblems of elderly abandonment caused by the unwillingness of the family fortaking care of them. The issues will be examined in this study consist of two mainissues. First issue is about the survival mechanism of poor elderly who live withoutsocial support from their family. Then the second is about the cause background ofthe family (biological children) who has the heart to abandon their elderly parents.Furthermore, this research was conducted in Blitar region with qualitative researchmethods. The selection of this method is expected to examine the issues in moredetail, itemize and in-depth. Related to this issue of the elderly abandonment thepurpose of this research are for answered in complete and looked for a propersolution in accordance with the findings of this research.After doing a quite long research process using a guide mechanism survivaltheory of James C. Scott, social change theory of Selo Sumarjan which also dealswith socialization theory and rational choice theory of James S. Coleman, the resultobtained from research shows that survival mechanism done by the informant isusing social relationships or social networks, using alternative subsistence, andusing "economical" strategy. Then the reason or the cause of the family abandontheir elderly parents, is due to the failure in the process of imitation noble valuesand social norms caused by misstep socialization process of planting the noblevalues. Such condition encourage the people to embrace a new value system whichis considered the most profitable that is rationality value that make people think andact in accordance with their profitable option according to them.

Keyword :

elderly, Family (Biological children), value, Social Support,

References :

Adib, Mohammad,(2012) Model Pemberdayaan Lansia di Jawa Timur Tahun 2007- 2012 1 : Surabaya: Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan (PSKK) Universitas Airlangga & BKKBN Jawa Timur

Badan Pusat Statistik,(2010) Statistik Penduduk Usia Lanjut, 2010 1 : Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 4 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2015-02
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