Detail Article


ISSN 2303-1166

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2012-04

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Original Article :

Tindakan sosial mahasiswi terhadap jajanan tradisional (studi deskriptif : pada mahasiswi fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis universitas airlangga)

Author :

  1. mahasiswa S1-Sosiologi FISIP Unair

Abstract :

Abstract              This research on a like with the phenomena the social act of college student against hawker traditional the economics faculty and business university airlangga surabaya. In the days of globalization, the development of modern food instant (fastfood), and the scarcity found young generation currently who consumes hawker traditional it is caused by environmental factor modern so eliciting the nature of prestige and lifestyle. To research was focused problem of how college student memaknai hawker traditional and the social act done college student to hawker traditional remain in existence in modern times. Through two theory, social theory konstruksi by peter l. Berger and theories the social act by max weber. Using methods descriptive, qualitative research with social definition paradigm and engineering determination informer using purposive in which an informant determination based on purpose or particular consideration on feb collegian unair. To do with interview, data observation, aid secondary such as the internet and data and documentation. The results obtained, researchers produced the data. Girls with allowance high and family rarely introduce traditional hawker, Tending to affect the social act of those who consumes food modern prestige considered more than consume traditional hawker in consider having no value and high collegian with allowance tall and often introduce traditional family hawker, They choose the social act of tending to represent hawker traditional who claimed to have high value and prices cheap; though it is assumed that hawker modern could raise prestige. The act of to hawker traditional remain in existence is bazar, arisan, tahlilan, selamatan, lebaran, seminar.

Keyword :

social action., purport, traditional desserts.,

References :

Berger, Peter L dan Thomas Luckmann,(2012) Tafsir Sosial Atas Kenyataan: Risalah tentang Sosiologi Pengetahuan. Jakarta : LP3ES

Burhan Bungin,(2001) Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2012-04
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