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Vol. 4 / No. 1 / Published : 2015-01

Order : 14, and page :195 - 209

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Original Article :

Analisis aspek pembentuk intensi pustakawan perpustakaan sekolah dalam melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan koleksi ( studi deskriptif tentang sikap, norma subyektif, dan kendali perilaku pustakawan perpustakaan sekolah menengah atas negeri dan sekolah menengah kejuruan negeri kota surabaya dalam melakukan pengelolaan koleksi)

Author :

  1. Faradilla Ryandini Safitri*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

The school library is a learning resource that is owned by a school to support the learning process inschool. A functioning library as a learning resource should be supported by a good performancelibrary. However, in reality there are many school libraries are not managed properly, especially themanagement of collections. It has been described by the behavior of librarians in managingcollections. This study discusses the power of forming the intentions aspects of librarians incollection management activities at the National High School (SMA) and Vocational School (SMK)in Surabaya. Intention is one of the predictors of behavior displayed by someone. Strength-forming1intentions of a person can showing how intentions are owned which leads to a behavior. The theoryused by researchers is the Theory of Planned Behavior Icek Ajzen (1991) on the formation of aperson's behavior is based on three aspects of forming intentions, among others, attitude, subjectivenorm, and control behavior committed by someone. Library collection management activities arebased on the organization chart created by FW.Lancaster information, including the selection andacquisition, analysis of the subject, cataloging collections, as well as the juxtaposition collection onthe shelves. The sampling technique using non-probability sampling by using the total of samplingconducted on 32 librarians. The method used is descriptive quantitative method. Based on researchdata, high-strength attitude held by librarians are on the selection and acquisition, cataloging thecollection and juxtaposition collection on the shelves. While the subject of analysis activities gainedstrength attitude with category by librarians. The second aspect is the subjective norm, subjectivenorm strength possessed by the librarian included in the category of high strength at the fourmanaging collection activities. It is also common in the power control of the behavior of librariansincluded in the category of high strength in all four of the collection management activities.Furthermore, the power of intention librarians are included in the high category contained in theselection and acquisition, cataloging the collection, and the juxtaposition of the collection. Thestrength of the biggest intention is owned by librarians in the selection and acquisition activity,while the lowest intentions strength with strength category is being held by librarians on the subjectanalysis activities.

Keyword :

school library, the theory of planned behavior, management of collections, librarians, -,

References :

Sarwono & Meinarno ( ed.),(2009) Teori Psikologi Sosial Malang : UMM Press

Suwarno, Wiji,(2009) Psikologi Perpustakaan Jakarta : CV. Sagung Seto

Bafadal, Ibrahim,(2008) Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Sekolah Jakarta : Bumi Aksara

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 4 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2015-01
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