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Vol. 3 / No. 1 / Published : 2001-01

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Original Article :

Fenomena kemunculan perpustakaan pribadi : studi fenomenolgi terbentuknya perpustakaan pribadi

Author :

  1. Akhmad Faishal *1
  1. Dept. IIP

Abstract :

Currently the private library being a phenomenon which appears in the comunity. Amid the many types of libraries is known, like the national library, common areas, communities and schools, private library give more knowledges in the world of informatioan and libraries study. The emergence of the private library of the person wanted to make a product of his own. But what is happening is not just a product of his own, it was inspirated by public library where he resides. As a library service less satisfying, this is because the function of the public library has not been fullest good, primarily within the thoroughness of the collection.  By looking at the facts like this definitely comfort has been sorely missed by many people and certainly out of the rule regardless of the influence of the goverment, bureauracy and administration. They build personal libraries of their own desires. The develeopment based the collection from any people to the personal collection of those who do not want them to give to anyone can feel themselves comfortable in terms of collection, read place and processing including caring for books by himself.  They think that a public library is not fuqlified to manage the book well. They are worrying about when they handing over the collection to the public library, their fears grounded because the collection will only be put away and not managed properly. The appearance of this private library can also be said as criticism of their related goverment does not heed the national empowerment library by president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. They funds its own library which he had made, he offered himself and there are some that are used for himself but also for the general public. The society has a special or not a collection does not immediately give it to the library, because of the possibility of terror when handed over are not managed properly and various  other thing

Keyword :

tafsir, kebudayaan, perpustakaan,

References :

Berger, Peter L. & Thomas Luckmann,(1993) Tafsir Sosial atas Kenyataan: Risalah tentang Sosiologi Pengetahuan jakarta : : LP3ES,

Beger, Petre L & Thomas Luckmann,(1992) nn, Pikiran Kembara: Modernisasi dan Kesadaran Manusia Yogyakarta : LP3ES

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 3 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2014-03
  1. Fenomena Kemunculan Perpustakaan Pribadi : Studi Fenomenolgi Terbentuknya Perpustakaan Pribadi
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