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Vol. 2 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-01

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Original Article :

Penggunaan blackberry sebagai sarana akses informasi di kalangan mahasiswa (studi deskriptif mengenai pengunaan blackberry sebagai sarana akses informasi di kalangan mahasiswa fisip universitas airlangga surabaya)

Author :

  1. Wihda Ayu Masyitoh*1
  1. Prodi IIp

Abstract :

Therefore, the current mobile phone is a telecommunications device that has impact and greater influence, especially in terms of intensity of use. Mobile-based Smartphone is dominant among the public at this time, because in terms of features it offered, to meet the needs of users in each activity. One is a mobile phone with a brand that reads "Blackberry". BlackBerry is a mobile device that has the ability to push e-mail, telephone, text messaging, surfing the Internet, messenger (BlackBerry Messenger / BBM), and various other wireless capabilities.From the ease of use and features offered by BlackBerry to allow a user, especially for students to access information and support day-to-day for the searching and sharing of information through the Blackberry, so researchers wanted to examine how much use the blackberry as a means of access information among students FISIP Airlangga University.This study will be assessed by the 5 components of Uses and gratification that is, needs Cognitive, Affective needs, Personal integrative needs, Integrative Social needs, and Escapist needs. This study uses a quantitative approach to the descriptive type. Descriptive type chosen by the researcher because the researcher wanted to describe how the image using blackberry as a means of access to information among students FISIP Airlangga University. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique researcher.The results of this study indicate that the Blackberry is a means of media access to information helps the students for sharing and searching of information with a variety of applications contained in the features of the Blackberry, and the majority of the 17-18 year age range, is more active at the age of access to information ranging from information about the lectures, social, political and economic, hobbies and entertainment. It can be seen that the Blackberry be able to provide facilities for students to continue to surf in the virtual world in order to meet all the needs of the information they want

Keyword :

Blackberry, students, Uses and gratification, ICT,

References :

Effendi, Onong Uchjana,(1993) Ilmu, Teori & Filsafat Komunikasi Bandung : Citra Aditya Bakti

Faisal, Sanapiah,(2005) Format-Format Penelitian Jakarta : Raja Garfindo Pustaka

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 2 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-01
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  2. Analisis Loyalitas Pengguna (customer Loyalty) Dalam Melakukan Information Sharing
  3. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi
  4. Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Terhadap Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Digital Library Di Perpustakaan Iain Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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