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Journal Of Marine And Coastal Science [MARINE]

Journal of Marine and Coastal Science merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menerbitkan artikel yang terkait dengan ilmu kelautan dan manjemen pesisir, diantaranya: gizi seafood, mikrobiologi kelautan, bioteknologi kelautan, manajemen pesisir, dan riset biodiversitas kelautan.

ISSN : 2301-6159

Volume 7 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2018-02

Cover Media Content
  1. Isolation and characterization gelatin of cucumber (phyllophorus sp.) with different extraction method
  2. Contents of cholesterol blood cockle (anadara granosa) results of capture in kenjeran surabaya, sedati sidoarjo, and bancaran bangkalan
  3. Study in macroanatomy and microanatomy of the four finger threadfin (eleutheronema tetradactylum) reproduction aspects that caught in the gresik sea, east java
  4. The influence of the rice water with different doses to the density of chlorella sp.