Detail Article



Vol. 2 / No. 2 / Published : 2005-08

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Original Article :

Penggunaan consumer decision model (cdm) dalam pengukuran efektifitas iklan shampo merek pantene

Author :

      Abstract :

      For most advertising companies electronic media (television) is an interesting alternative because beside having long distance scope it also has entertainment side that support the shaped customers’ perception on a product and in turn bring to exchange in satisfying all parties involved in marketing activities. A good advertisement must target a specific group since not all of the watchers can effectively become advertisement target. Advertisement target is a group of people that have interest on the product offered and probably they would buy it or most of them are potential buyers. In order that the advertisement message gets the target then the message should fit the target. One of model to be used to measure affectivity of an advertisement is using Consumer Decision Model (CDM). Sample of the study is community of East Surabaya who uses Sunsilk shampoo as well as 147 watchers of Pantene shampoo advertisement. The analysis technique used in the study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 4,0 program.Based on the causality test, message factor of an ad that positively influence label introduction factor can be accepted. Brand introduction factor that positively influences customer behavior factor can not be accepted. Label introduction factor that positively influence customer’ believe factor can not be accepted. Advertisement message factor that positively influences customer behavior factor can not be accepted. Advertisement message factor that positively influences customers’ believe factor can be accepted. Customer behavior factor that positively influences customer buying intention factor can not be accepted. Customers’ believe factor that positively influences customer buying intention factor can be accepted. Customer buying intention factor that positively influences buying factor can be accepted.

      Keyword :

      Advertisement message, customers’ behavior, brand introduction, buying intention, buying,

      References :

      Archive Article

      Cover Media Content

      Volume : / No. : / Pub. :