Detail Article

Majalah Farmasi Airlangga (Airlangga Journal of Pharmacy)

ISSN 0852-1050

Vol. 6 / No. 1 / Published : 2008-04

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Original Article :

Knowledge and attitudes of doctors toward adverse drug reaction reporting and monitoring in the hospital: a pilot study

Author :

  1. Yunita Nita*1
  1. Community Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, Surabaya

Abstract :

Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are known to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality. However, only a small proportion is reported. An increase in the number and quality of reports by improving ADR reporting system in hospitals, could improve patient outcomes and save healthcare cost. The aim of the study was to evaluate involvement in, understanding of and reasons for reporting ADRs The study was a cross sectional – observational study.  Study was done in the Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Sampling of doctors was chosen by purposive sampling method. Variable of the study were characteristic of respondents (age, specialist, gender), level of knowledge and attitudes towards reporting and monitoring of ADRs. The instrument utilized was a questionnaire that has been validated through validity and reability test. Results showed that the level of knowledge on ADRs reporting need to be improved.  Approximately 94.6% respondents knew about ADRs monitoring and reporting however, only 29.7% knew how to report within the hospital, 18.9% knew how to report to National reporting centre, and knew how to fill in the form. Factors that encourage reporting to include serious reaction, rare reaction, reaction to a new drug, strong possibility of ADRs. Factor that discourage reporting was not knowing how to report. Furthermore, it was not found any number of ADRs report in the period of January – September 2005. The development of strategies to improve the level of knowledge on ADRs reporting and to increase the number of reporting from doctor in hospital is vital

Keyword :

Knowledge, Attitudes, ADRs, Doctors, Dr. Soetomo Hospital,

References :

kjlk,(2006) ksjdlf kjlksdj fljsfdl ljl jhsdkjfhsk : kjlkdjflkdfjgl

Archive Article

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