Detail Article

Majalah Farmasi Airlangga (Airlangga Journal of Pharmacy)

ISSN 0852-1050

Vol. 6 / No. 2 / Published : 2008-10

Order : 4, and page :47 - 50

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Original Article :

Profil peresepan  obat di apotek wilayah surabaya

Author :

  1. Fasich*1
  2. Umi Athijah*2
  3. Wahyu Utami*3
  4. Anita Kurnia Dewi*4
  5. Dewi Rachmawati*5
  6. Sri Wahyuningsih*6
  7. Tuti Ekawati*7
  1. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  2. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  3. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  4. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  5. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  6. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  7. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi

Abstract :

There was observation of “The Prescribing Profile in Pharmacies in Surabaya” in order to get general description about drug prescribing profile, including therapeutic class, patient age, drug name, dosage form and drugs classification that frequenly prescribed by doctor. The descriptive method was used.The sample of the study were prescriptions which were taken from local pharmacies as many as 10.206 local pharmacies. Based on the therapeutic class of drug there were seven significant categories including respiratory  (19.49%), CNS depresant   (16.33%), antiinfection (14.16%), metabolic drug (9.30%), GI tract (7.71%), immunologicum (6.19%),  and endocrinology (5.72%). Based on the patient age, the adult patient (64%) was the most. Brand name (75%) was also mostly written.

Keyword :

prescribing, drug profile,

References :

Robert, J,(1996) Handbook of Pharmacology of Aging 2th ed. Hal 1. : -

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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