Detail Article

Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia

ISSN 0215-1995

Vol. 5 / No. 3 / Published : 2006-06

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Original Article :

Kandidat bahan imunokontrasepsi protein gzp3 tidak mempengaruhi fungsi fisiologis siklus birahi hewan coba model

Author :

  1. Imam Mustofa*1
  2. Sri Mulyati*2
  3. Suzanita Utama*3
  4. Imam R Tjuk*4

Abstract :

The research on immunocontraception has been done with goat zona pellucida-3 (gZP3) using mice as an animal model. Protein gZP3 was an effecitve to prevent pregnancy. Antibody of gZP3 protein was effective inhibit the fertilization of mice oocyte in vitro and binding between sperm and oocite of mice. The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of side effect of gZP3 as an immunocontraceptive protein on ovarian histology, profile of serum progesterone and estrous cycles of mice as an animal model. Immunization of mice with gZP3 was not altered the cycle of folliculogenesis. The structure of ovarian histology (primary follicle, secondary follicle, tertiary follicle, Graafian follicle and corpora lutea) and cycle of estrous were similar on mice immunized with gZP3 protein compared to the normal mice. Progesterone serum level was in conformity with each of phases of estrous cycle respectively. It could be concluded that gZP3 was effective as an immunocontraceptive substance on animal model without side effect on the physiology of estrous cycle

Keyword :

goat zona pellucida-3, oestrous cycles, progesterone,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 5 / No. : 3 / Pub. : 2006-06
  1. Kandidat Bahan Imunokontrasepsi Protein Gzp3 Tidak Mempengaruhi Fungsi Fisiologis Siklus Birahi Hewan Coba Model
  2. Pengaruh Olahraga Teratur Dan Terukur Terhadap Kadar Hormon Estrogen Serum Wanita Pascamenopause
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  6. Effect Of Low Intensity Exercise On Glucose Intolerance In The Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (dmpa) Injected Rat
  7. Pengaruh Latihan Renang Intensitas Ringan Dan Berat Terhadap Panjang Tulang, Tinggi Dan Jumlah Sel Kondrosit Lempeng Epifise Tibia Tikus Putihjantan Usia Pertumbuhan