Detail Article

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050

Vol. 21 / No. 4 / Published : 2008-10

Order : 7, and page :336 - 351

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Original Article :

Indegenisasi dan reproduksi pengetahuan kapitalisme dalam jaringan kekuasaan di dunia ketiga

Author :

  1. S Aminah*1
  1. Departemen Ilmu Politik, FISIP, UNAIR

Abstract :

Social sciences in the third world have been occupied by modernization theories since the 20th century. These theories have been claimed universal in nature. Since then, the social scientists have concentrated on producing new products and technologies that have been spread out through text books. The results of various research were assumed to be able to help to free underdeveloped countries, which in the modernization discourse has been called the third world countries. An adequate approach is needed to understand the history of Western social sciences that have been very close to the social sciences tradition since the 19th century, as the antinomy between mothetic-ideographic and universality-particularism concepts. The object of social science analitic, space and time variables have become critical debate, as the dilema in the non-Western countries, between the universality and particular, and nomothetic versus ideographic. Critical social theory has deconstructed the law of capitalism, patriarchy, racism, and the domination upon nature. This theory views positivism has frozen the social facts so that it dominates the others. Critical theoreticians think that positivism is no longer a knowlede but an ideology. Hegemony through the structure of capitalism has influenced the theoretic-methodologic, so that social system has experience the limited movement due to the domination of positivism as a capitalism theoretical product.

Keyword :

capitalism, ideology, knowledge, positivism.,

References :

Martin Albrow,(1990) Globalization, Knowledge and Society London : Sage Pub

Elizabeth King,(1990) Globalization, Knowledge and Society London : Sage Pub

S. Amin,(1976) Unequal Development New York : Monthly Review Press

Ted Benton,(2001) Philosophy Social Sciences: The Philosophical Foundation of Social Thought New York : PALGRAVE

Ian Craib,(2001) Philosophy Social Sciences: The Philosophical Foundation of Social Thought New York : PALGRAVE

S. Bowles,(2005) Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command New York : Oxford Univ.Press

R. Edwards,(2005) Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command New York : Oxford Univ.Press

F. Roosevelt,(2005) Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command New York : Oxford Univ.Press

F. Capra,(2003) The Hiddens Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living London : Flamingo

S. Cole,(1992) Making Science: Between Nature and Society Cambridge, Mass : Harvard University Press

T. Dant,(199

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 21 / No. : 4 / Pub. : 2008-01
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